Embassy of the USA: Inaction of B&H Authorities can Lead to Lowering of Credit Rating

Inaction of B&H authorities can lead to lowering of credit rating, extension of the time which takes for a financial transaction, complication for Bosnia and Herzegovina and its citizens to obtain loans, and an increase in transaction and capital costs.

“We are disappointed by the fact that even after more than three years of debate, the authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina have failed to reach an agreement on a more or less elementary activities concerning the fight against money laundering and financing of terrorism, in accordance with the recommendations of the Committee of Experts of the Council of Europe on the assessment measures against money laundering and financing of terrorism (MONEYVAL),” was announced by the Office of Public Relations of the U.S. Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


“The inability to adopt a basic law in this case , as well as too many other cases in the previous years are reflected as extremely bad in B&H elected officials and their willingness to take the necessary measures to move this country forward” warned the USA embassy.

So, the leaders of B&H are invited again to put aside personal interests and to act in the interest of B&H and its citizens . (Radiosarajevo.ba)