According to German daily Die Zeit, Hague convict Radovan Karadzic has said it was his mistake to prevent the army from achieving even more in the battlefield.
As the paper, quoted by the N1 broadcaster, reported, this was the first interview Karadzic, a former political leader of Serbs in Bosnia, gave after he was sentenced to 40 years in prison.
In addition, Karadzic said that he was playing tennis and football in prison, “that they laugh all the time,” and that he also plays the flute.
He said he would not allow himself to “get sad” and that “humor is his ‘best method’ to dispel worries”.
According to this report, Karadzic also said he was “aware that the Serbian nation perceived him as a servant of the state.”
Earlier this year the Hague Tribunal found Karadzic was guilty of genocide in Srebrenica, of terrorizing Sarajevo for several years, and of taking UN hostages, but it was found there was no genocide in seven municipalities for which he was also charged, and he was acquitted on that count of the indictment, said N1.
Karadzic was arrested in 2008 and his trial began in 2009 and ended in 2014, after 497 days of hearings during which testimony was given by 586 witnesses.