BANJALUKA – The Government of Republika Srpska on Wednesday will discuss the legal profession bill, as well as the draft regulation on the terms and criteria for the allocation of monetary resources for the improvement of operations of business entities.
BIJELJINA – Participants of the scientific gathering of pension fund directors from the former Yugoslav countries, which was hosted by the Foundation of Republika Srpska, have signed a series of bilateral protocols on electronic data interchange which will cover 85 percent of the region’s territory.
SARAJEVO – The BiH Foreign Trade Chamber in cooperation with the USAID/Sida FARMA project is hosting a workshop on Facebook marketing: secrets for small businesses in Sarajevo on Wednesday, which is intended for farmers in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
BRCKO – The Brcko District Government has announced a public call for the allocation of monetary resources for new jobs in the district, the Department of Economic Development, Sports and Culture said.
SARAJEVO – Members of the State Investigation and Protection Agency arrested two people suspected of war crimes in Livno and one person suspected of war crimes in Mostar early on Wednesday morning, said the BiH Prosecutor’s Office, upon whose order the arrests were made.
SARAJEVO – The Central Election Commission (CEC) of BiH on Wednesday begins the count of tendered ballots from the general election held on Sunday, October 12, CEC spokeswoman Maksida Piric told Srna.
MOSCOW – Georgiy Engelgard, the scientific associate of the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, deems the victory of Milorad Dodik good news for Moscow, while the victory of Mladen Ivanic, as he says, would not make Russia happy.