BANJALUKA – The Republika Srpska National Assembly urgently adopted today the Law on processing and publication of results of census of population, households and dwellings in Srpska in 2013, whose aim is to publish reliable and methodologically correct data of the census, which was conducted in 2013 for the territory of Republika Srpska.
Sixty six MPs voted for the adoption of this law, none was against or abstained from voting, while the MPs of the Homeland Coalition left the special parliamentary session.
The law containing seven articles regulates the method of processing and publication of the results of the census of population, households and dwellings in 2013 for the territory of Republika Srpska.
The Republika Srpska Statistics Institute publishes the census results according to the Data Processing Programme that will be passed within 30 days from the date of entry into force of this Law.
The results will be published within six months from the date of entry into force of the law, and according to the law provision, the Institute is obligated to submit a report to the Republika Srpska National Assembly on the execution of duties and tasks related to the implementation of census activities and the publication of the census results.
According to the law provisions, the supervision of its implementation and the regulations adopted on the basis of the law is to be carried out by the Republika Srpska Finance Ministry.
Director of the Republika Srpska Statistics Institute Radmila Cickovic stressed that Republika Srpska legally performed all activities in the BiH population census process.
“Because of the illegality at BiH level, there was no other option left but to publish our own data that will be accurate and valid,” Cickovic stressed in her closing argument after the parliamentary debate about this law.
The MPs of political parties seated in Republika Srpska agreed that it was necessary to adopt this law and publish accurate data.
Speaker of the Republika Srpska National Assembly Nedeljko Cubrilovic ended this special session.
After this session, 13th regular session of the Republika Srpska National Assembly will be resumed, in which the MPs will review the Consolidated report on the execution of 2015 Republika Srpska budget. (Srna)