SARAJEVO – Agency for Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina today officially announced the results of the census from 2013. BiH has a total of 3,531,159 citizens , of which 2,219,220 are in the FBiH and 1,228,423 citizens reside in Republika Srpska. Brcko District has a total of 83,516 citizens.
The final data of the population census showed that there are 50.11 % Bosniaks, 30.78 % Serbs and 15.43 % Croats in BiH.
When it comes to ethnic structure, a total of 50.11 % Bosniaks make the population in BiH, which is by 7 % more in comparison to the census from 1991.
In BiH reside 30.78 % Serbs, which is by 1 % less compared to the census from 1991.
According to the census results, there is 15.43 % Croats in BiH, which is by 2 % less in comparison to the census from 1991.
A total of 0.7 % of citizens did not declare in the national terms.
In the Federation of BiH live 70,4 % of Bosniaks, 22.4 % of Croats and 3.60 % of Serbs.
In Republika Srpska live 81.51 % of Serbs, 2.41 % of Croats and 13. 99 % of Bosniaks.
In Brcko District live 42.36 % of Bosniaks, 20.66 % of Croats and 34.58 % of Serbs.
Data on religious affiliation were also presented at today’s presentation of the census results from 2013. In BiH live 50.7 % of the people who belong to Islam, 30.75 % of people who belong to the Orthodox faith and 15.19 % of people who belong to the Catholic faith.
The largest city in BiH is Sarajevo with 275 524 citizens. Next one is Banja Luka with 185,042 citizens, then Tuzla with 110,979 citizens, Zenica with 110 663 citizens , Bijeljina with 107 715 citizens and Mostar with 105,977 citizens.
When it comes to the gender structure, there is 59.4 % of women and 49.06 % of men. (Klix.ba)