Banjaluka – Bosnia and Herzegovina Minister of Foreign Affairs Igor Crnadak said on Thursday that the ministerial conference of the Central European Initiative /CEI/ Member States is an event that comes at a significant moment when great efforts are invested for BiH to make the next step on its European path – receiving a positive opinion from the Council of Foreign Affairs in July.
“That is why I think it is very important today to discuss how we can contribute to the European path through our regional cooperation. Some of the major topics of the conference will be the issue of migrations and struggle against terrorism,” Crnadak told reporters in Banjaluka, where the event is taking place on Thursday.
Migrations and fight against terrorism are the topics that will prove challenging to all the countries involved in the Central European Initiative, he said.
Crnadak pointed out it was very important that following a successful presidency of the Council of Europe, Bosnia and Herzegovina had another presidency such as the Thursday conference, showing that it was able to perform major work on the international political scene.
“I think that this event is also important for Banjaluka and Republika Srpska, and as someone who represents Srpska in the BiH Council of Ministers, I am happy and believe that this is an additional value and promotion for the entity,” added Crnadak.