The visit by Anders Fogh Rasmussen, NATO Secretary-General, to BiH, announced for 21 May of this year, is in question, NATO headquarters in Brussels tells Patria (NAP).
Namely, the North Atlantic alliance’s high official tells NAP that “at the moment he cannot confirm” that a visit by Rasmussen to Sarajevo is planned for the announced date.
Otherwise, the BiH Presidency in mid-April at a session in Sarajevo officially released that “21 May 2014 was accepted as the date for a visit by NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen to BiH.”
It was expected that Rasmussen’s visit would be additional impulse, at the time of the crisis in Ukraine, for BiH to fulfill the remaining conditions to activate the Membership Action Plan for our country in the strongest military-political bloc in the world, NAP reports.